Adrienne (Rangimokai) Fruean
Te Āti Awa, Taranaki Iwi, Rangitāne Ki Wairarapa

Adrienne (Rangimokai) Fruean
Te Āti Awa, Taranaki Iwi, Rangitāne Ki Wairarapa
Ko Te Ātiawa, Taranaki Iwi, Rangitāne ki Wairarapa oku Iwi. Ko Vaiala, Hamoa ki ngā w’enua o tōku Pāpā.
Rangimokai resides in Taranaki. She completed the Taha Māori Programme, Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs in 2002 and has been in recovery for 22 years. She has been part of the consumer movement since 2003.
Rangimokai has held a range of positions in addiction services, including roles with Oranga Tamariki, Te Whare Marie Māori Mental health and addictions service, Tui Ora Ltd, Matua Raḵi, Christchurch Prisons, Oranga Hinengaro MDHB, and Tuhoe Hauora. She managed and developed the first methamphetamine service model of care, Whakatika Ora, for hard-to-reach communities, “communities of resistance”. She has worked as a lecturer for the Bachelor of Applied Social Services at Te Tai Tokerau Wānanga, where she developed the addiction major curriculum. She was a consumer auditor for the Technical Advisory Service (TAS) KPMG 2004-2015 & South Island Shared Services Agency Limited (SISSAL) 2006-2012. Rangimokai is passionate about consumer participation at all levels of service delivery.
Rangimokai’s consumer memberships have included the National Māori Kaupapa Whānau Oranga Network 2003-2024, the Addiction Consumer Leadership Group (ACLG) 2010-2024, the DRUA Pasifika Addictions Network 2010-2024, the DRUA Pasifika Lived Experience of Addictions Village 2021-2024, Te Hiringa Kounga Māori Health, Quality & Safety Commission 2019-2024, the Advisory Group for the Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2021-2026, Ara Poutama Aotearoa 2020-2021 and the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) – Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, 2006-2014.
Being of Samoan/Māori descent, Rangimokai is a proactive advocate for the rights of Māori under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, while for Pasifika she advocates for DRUA Consumer and their Families Network and Mana Moana.
She holds a Bachelor of Social Work from Massey University and is an Iwi Kaiwhakaruruhau mai Te Korowai Aroha O Aotearoa. Currently, Rangimokai is a frontline Social Worker for Oranga Tamariki Ngāmotu site. She is the Chair of Te Kauae Raro.