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Eboni Siueva

Ringa Tohutohu Matua - Māori Lead

  • Name:

    Eboni Siueva

  • Position:

    Ringa Tohutohu Matua - Māori Lead

  • Phone Number:

    04 381 6486

  • Mobile Number:

    027 480 8503

  • Email:

Ko Piraunui, ko Taranaki ngā maunga
Ko Waitōtara, ko Ototoka ngā awa
Ko Aotea, ko Pahitonoa ngā waka
Ko Ngā Rauru Kītahi, ko Ngāti Hāmoa ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Pourua, ko Ngāti Maika ngā hapū
Ko Takirau, ko Pākaraka ngā marae
Ko Taranaki Mātongatonga te rohe

He uri nō ngā whānau o Siueva rātou ko Te’o, ko Tamou, ko Kauika-Stevens
Ko Eboni Siueva tōku ingoa

I am of Māori and Samoan descent and acknowledge my whānau for modelling the importance of manaakitanga and service within our community. I believe it is these values that drive me in what I do everyday and making a difference in people’s lives.

I have worked across a number of organisations overseas and here in Aotearoa. It was during my time working for Blueprint for Learning, that I gained knowledge and a better understanding of the mental health and addictions sector and contributed over several years to educating, building confidence and strengthening the resilience of people across our communities.

My role as Ringa Tohutohu Matua at Te Pou, is to support the internal and external mahi through the application of Te Ao Māori practices. I believe it’s through this mātauranga that we will see stronger relationships form and better health outcomes and options for Māori achieved.

“Ki te kotahi te kākaho, ka whati; ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati” - When we stand alone, we are vulnerable, but together we are unbreakable.