Gina Giordani
Lived Experience Project Lead
Gina Giordani
Lived Experience Project Lead
Mental Health, Lived Experience -
Phone Number:
09 261 3420
Kei te taha o tōku Pāpā
Ko Marotiri te maunga
Ko Mangahauini te awa
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko te whanau a Ruataupare te hapū
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi
Ko Tuatini te marae
Kei te taha o tōku Māmā
He uri au nō Ingarani me Kōtirana
Ko Gina Giordani tōku ingoa
As a lived experience project lead for Te Pou, I am passionate about what I can do to support people working in consumer, peer and lived experience (CPLSE) roles. A major focus in my work is ensuring equitable outcomes for people.
So far in my working life I have a worked as a public servant for 10 years and for 7 years for an NGO.
My skill areas are project management, lived experience advisory work and mental health promotion. I have living experience of mental distress and bring this lense to my work.
I am on a journey of learning te reo Māori and enjoy practising my reo. I am looking forward to learning and developing my knowledge of the CPSLE workforce in this role as part of the Lived Experience Project Team.