Mark Smith
Principal Advisor and Programme Lead Outcomes and Information

Mark Smith
PhD(Waikato), Msc(Liverpool), BHsc(AUT), PGDip Psychiatry(Melbourne), RPN(London), RNP(NZ), FNZCMHN
Principal Advisor and Programme Lead Outcomes and Information
Mental Health, Addiction -
Phone Number:
07 857 1278
Mobile Number:
027 687 7127
I am a registered Psychiatric Nurse, originally from the UK. In 2002 I registered with the NCNZ as New Zealand’s first mental health Nurse Practitioner. I have been with Te Pou since January 2008. In the programme lead role I provide operational direction in a number of projects: The HoNOS family of measures, the alcohol and drug outcome measure (ADOM), and Mārama Real Time Feedback. Part of the programme lead role involves acting as principal advisor -outcomes and information and in this role, I provide strategic direction to this portfolio of work. I worked and studied in the University sector over many years & I continue to have an interest in academic Philosophy in which I have a PhD, with a particular interest in Plato, philosophy of mind and ethics. When not doing any of the above I love family time, tramping and listening to music. |