Metua Daniel-Atutolu
Trainer candidate

Metua Daniel-Atutolu
Trainer candidate
Kia Orana, my name is Metua Daniel-Atutolu. I am a proud Cook Islander, wife, mother to 4 adult children and belong to a very large Pacific family (10 siblings). My parents migrated to New Zealand in 1974 and we lived in Otara, South Auckland. I have been a Registered Nurse for over 23 years and have worked across different areas in health and education. I have experience in various therapy modalities including cultural therapies for Pacific peoples. I currently work for the National Hauora Coalition, a Kaupapa Māori Primary Health Organisation. I am a Coordinator within the IPMHA – Te Tumu Waiora team.
I have been a Health Improvement Practitioner since 2020. I feel honoured to have introduced the HIP service at Papakura Marae health centre, Te Manu Aute Whare Oranga clinic at Manurewa Marae and Maxcare Medical Centre, all of which are in Tamaki Makaurau, with an enrolled population of mostly Māori and Pasifika people. I have a real passion for supporting the wellbeing of Māori and Pasifika people. This has been one of my motivating reasons for entering the HIP Trainer Programme in October 2023. I would like to see more Māori and Pasifika HIPs and Trainers within primary health care and in our communities. Meitaki atupaka.