Tara Mueller
HIP trainer

Tara Mueller
HIP trainer
I come to the role of Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP) with a background in Child and Family Psychology. Following the completion of my studies, I worked in a Child and Adolescent Mental Health team and later within a Primary Health Organisation team offering brief intervention counselling. Working as a HIP is the best job I have had yet!! I love the essence of supporting people to connect with a life that gives them a sense of meaning, while allowing space for people to commit to the things that matter to them. Not only do I love the 1:1 work I do with people, I also love working within the fast-paced environment of GP clinics alongside some very dedicated doctors and nurses. I feel incredibly blessed to work with the growing community of HIPs and HIP trainers in Aotearoa who all show such passion and enthusiasm for supporting the general health and well-being of the people of Aotearoa.
I’m originally from the West Coast of the South Island, I love being outside and now in my new home in the Far North I spend a lot of time in the ocean and soaking up the sunshine.