ADOM training
Initial Train the Trainer ADOM training
Te Pou has trained many Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) trainers and ADOM champions since 2014 using a train-the-trainer approach, leading up to the roll-out of ADOM on 1 July 2015.
Initial Train the Trainer ADOM training is a 1-day in-person training that covers the background to the development of ADOM, the information protocol, using ADOM in practice and becoming a trainer. This 1-day training is then delivered locally by those trainers and supported by Te Pou through the ADOM reflections e-message group and Loomio. Te Pou will run some initial training for ADOM-mandated services, along with annual Train the Trainer days and refresher training events.
The next ADOM training for people who want to become an ADOM) trainer will be available in person in Auckland and Wellington later in 2024. Details will be available on this page and in the Te Pou e-bulletin.
ADOM refresher e-learning
The ADOM e-learning module covers the essential items people need to know if they are using ADOM in practice. It covers both the implementation of ADOM and how it can be useful in practice.
While designed as a refresher for ADOM trainers and champions, it will also be useful as an adjunct to introductory training which ADOM trainers provide in their services.
The module provides a certificate of completion upon completion.
Note, the module is hosted on New users may need to create an account to access the e-learning module.