HoNOS dashboards Aotearoa Terms of Use
Outcomes programme principles
The intended purpose of the HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa is to enable all clinicians and managers in Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora services and relevant NGOs to have easy access to the aggregated HoNOS family of measures outcomes data. This ready access will enable services to understand better whether they are providing good outcomes to tāngata whai ora in their service. In turn, this will empower clinicians and managers to learn how best to meet the needs of those people within their service.
While the dashboards are focused on aggregated data rather than individual information, it is still the case that the data is ultimately for the benefit of tāngata whai ora. This means that the data in the dashboards shouldn't be used in a way which undermines or lessens the health and wellbeing of tāngata whai ora. This ethical intention will be demonstrated by the provision of mutual support and the creation of a safe environment that enables shared learning to take place within Health NZ Te Whatu Ora and NGO services using the HoNOS family outcome tools.
Terms of Use
Data for the HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa is sourced from Health NZ Te Whatu Ora PRIMHD extracts. Your access to and use of the dashboards requires your acceptance of the following terms of use.
- Information, data or resources from the HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa will not be used by an individual or organisation for purposes other than intended, or without prior permission from contributors.
- Access to the HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa is restricted to Te Whatu Ora clinicians and managers plus key personnel from the Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora and relevant NGOs, and information from the dashboards must not be communicated outside of these organisations without prior consent from all relevant parties.
- You must comply with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code when using the information from the HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa.
- You must keep information from the HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa secure and confidential and ensure that so far as it is within your control, such information cannot be viewed by any unauthorised persons.
- You will not share your access credentials with anyone or let anyone else use yours.