Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act Video Resources
The SA (CAT) Act 2017
The Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017 (SA(CAT) Act) requires addiction practitioners working in statutory roles to develop new knowledge and skills, including the ability to carry out capacity assessments and provide mana enhancing care.
These videos are edited highlights of specific training on capacity assessments and providing mana enhancing care. They complement the e-learning training modules and the Act family and whānau guide (available in English and Te Reo Māori)
Capacity assessment: human rights and legislation - Alison Douglass
The inclusion of capacity assessment as a major criteria for use of the SA(CAT) Act 2017 is unique within current compulsory assessment and treatment legislation. However, there is a substantial body of work that has informed the inclusion of the capacity assessment in the Act.
This video shows footage from an Approved Specialist/Responsible Clinician training day.
In the video Alison Douglass, an independent lawyer, explores the history and context of capacity assessment in this form from a legal and human rights perspective.
For more information see Mental Capacity: Updating New Zealand's Law and Practice.
Carrying out a capacity assessment for the SA(CAT) Act 2017 - Dr Greg Young
Capacity assessment is perhaps the most unfamiliar skill involved in the Act for most practitioners.
This video shows footage from an Approved Specialist/Responsible Clinician training day.
In the video, Dr Greg Young, of Capital & Coast District Health Board, discusses how to carry out a capacity assessment and the factors that can contribute to initiating, or not initiating, compulsory assessment and treatment based on a person’s ability (capacity) to make decisions about addiction treatment.
Mana enhancing care – Terry Huriwai
The Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017 is unique in compulsory treatment legislation in that it includes mana enhancing care as a core feature of the care provided.
This video shows footage from an Authorised Officer training day.
In the video, Terry Huriwai, of Te Rau Matatini, describes and explores what mana enhancing care is and how it might be demonstrated when using the Act and in usual practice.
Through the video Terry discusses what contributes to being able to work in a culturally competent manner.
For more information go to Te Rau Matatini.
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