Calling for expressions of interest to join Te Kauae Raro
Publication Date:
21 November 2023
Meghan Parr
Lived Experience, Mental Health -
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Kia hiwa ra, Kia hiwa ra!
Kia hiwa ra ki tēnei tuku! Kia hiwa ra ki tēra tuku!
Calling for expressions of interest to join Te Kauae Raro
In whare wānanga (ancestral places of learning) Te Kauae Raro refers to the ‘lower jawbone’ which corresponds to ‘earthly knowledge’, whereas celestial knowledge connects to Te Kauae Runga (the upper jawbone). Muriranga-Whenua gave her lower jawbone to her grandson, Māui, who then went on to fashion it into a Matau (hook) to fish up a new world, Te Ika-a-Māui (the North Island). He also used the jawbone as a Patu (club), when Māui and his whānau battled Tamanuiterā (the Sun) in order to make the socio-political landscape more equitable.
Ko wai mātou?
Te Kauae Raro is a Māori with lived experience kaunihera (council) that keeps the Te Pou lived experience project work accountable to the Māori Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience workforce.
Te Kauae Raro was established in October 2021 with eight founding members supported by then Te Pou Project Lead, Aaryn Niuapu. The role of the kaunihera is to provide quality Tiriti o Waitangi leadership, accountability and responsiveness from a Māori lived experience perspective in the implementation of the Action Plan’s projects.
The current membership of the kaunihera (council) includes:
- Rangimokai Fruean (Chair), Te Āti Awa, Taranaki Iwi, Rangitāne Ki Wairarapa
- Leilani Maraku, Ngāti Raukawa
- Wī Huata, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Ngati Kahungunu ki Heretaunga
- Joanne Henare, Ngāti Wehi Wehi, Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngati Mutunga
- Guy Baker, Ngāti Porou
The following priorities were outlined in the initial ‘terms of reference’ for the kaunihera.
- Rangatiratanga: Lead Māori determination over the proper use and application of mātauranga Māori which includes te reo me ōna tikanga across the Action Plan’s projects.
- Kāwanatanga: Collaborate with Te Pou staff to foster culturally responsive engagement processes.
- Ōritetanga: Ensure that there are mechanisms that support Te Kauae Raro to monitor equity indicators across the Action Plan’s projects.
Gina Giordani, lived experience project lead and Te Kauae Raro liaison at Te Pou says that the guidance and the work of Te Kauae Raro is pivotal in meeting the needs of kaimahi Maōri who are part of the consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce. We are looking forward to growing the current kaunihera so that we can continue the journey of realising Te Pou’s commitment to Te Tiriti.
Te Kauae Raro are seeking up to four more members to join the founding kaunihera.
Ngā Aronga
We are seeking expressions of interest from a diverse range of Māori with lived experience of mental health challenges and/or problematic substance use.
Meetings are up to 4 times per year in person with 2 x 2-hour hui online in between as needed. The role involves reading and reviewing reports, and resources for the Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience workforce. Connection to and knowledge of the consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce is preferred.
This role requires knowledge and understanding of Māori perspectives and Tikanga Māori.
Travel costs are covered. Meeting fees are paid for attendance and reading time.
Whakapā mai
To express your interest in this committee please contact the Te Kauae Raro liaison Gina Giordani, or Rangimokai Fruean Chair of Te Kauae Raro by February 16 2024.
Phone: 027 292 2164
Phone: 0212331298