Te Pou to deliver Kia Mataara peer training programme
Publication Date:
22 January 2025
Sarah Fitzpatrick
Lived Experience -
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We are thrilled to announce Te Pou will be bringing the highly successful Kia Mataara peer training to the Aotearoa New Zealand consumer, peer support and lived experience (CPSLE) workforce this year. This transformative training, originally developed and implemented by Pathways for their lived experience and peer workforce, has been shared with Te Pou to offer to the wider mental health and addiction sector.
Kia Mataara peer training is a unique programme designed by educators and peer leaders within Pathways and the broader peer community that delicately weaves te ao Māori principles with the national CPSLE competencies. The result is a rich and considered training experience specific to Aotearoa New Zealand that provides valuable skills, knowledge, and insights for the mental health and addiction peer workforce.
“Since Pathways launched their Kia Mataara peer training programme, there have been requests from the wider sector for the opportunity to complete the training,” says Amanda Bradley, Te Pou National Manager - Lived Experience.
“We are thrilled to now be able to offer this fantastic training to the sector. We know from the feedback of Pathways’ graduates that it is impactful training that will benefit people who are currently part of the lived experience workforce.”
Kia Mataara takes twelve weeks to complete and features two in-person and five virtual workshops, reflective workplace practices and learnings, and one-on-one professional conversations.
Participants will gain a variety of valuable skills, including effective methods to use their own lived experiences to support others and will deepen their understanding of the CPSLE competencies and how to apply them in their daily mahi.
“Before we can announce the first dates for Kia Mataara, there is some development work that must be carried out to ensure the programme is relevant sector-wide. However, we aim to have the programme available within the first half of 2025.”
More information about the training, opportunities to register your interest, and course dates will be announced in upcoming e-bulletins.
Please note that as there is currently no funding available to support the delivery of this training programme, there will be a fee for participants to complete Kia Mataara.
If you would like to hear more about Kia Mataara peer training, please contact Amanda Bradley, National Manager - Lived Experience by email: amanda.bradley@tepou.co.nz