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Co-designing with the mātau ā-wheako CPSLE workforce for meaningful change

At the end of 2023 Lived Experience Project Lead Gina Giordani released a guide for co-designing with the mātau ā-wheako CPSLE workforce for meaningful change.

This webinar is a conversation that comes about due to the guide and is aimed at people wanting to undertake co-design with the mātau ā-wheako CPSLE (Consumer, Peer Support, Lived Experience) workforce. This may include planners, funders, researchers, co-designers, service improvement workers, or people who are on the receiving end of co-design processes who are curious to learn more about co-design.

You are invited to an hour-long conversation that will cover:

  • the co-design guide: including ways of working when co-designing
  • the code of expectations for health entities’ engagement with consumers and whanau
  • research that is being undertaken on processes, power relations and reflexivity in collaborative co-design


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