Mārama Real-Time Feedback National Report Cards June 2022
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Publication Date:
25 July 2022
Mental Health, Addiction -
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PDF, 97 kb -
National report cards have been created to show the feedback gathered through Mārama Real-Time Feedback from January to June 2022. The previous report cards show the period October 2021 to March 2022 so there is some overlap in data. In this time, 2,099 surveys were completed asking about the following areas:
- Relationships/Partnerships
- Communication/Information
- Continuity of Care/Coordination
- Family Involvement
- Recovery and Support
- Friends and Family
- Respect.
The latest report cards show the volume of survey responses collected by NGO services is increasing, particularly for tāngata whai ora feedback. However, there has been no improvement, except for good communication, in whānau feedback across all seven questions for both NGO and DHB services. Please note, this will be the last report card using DHB terminology.