Introducing Let’s get real through leadership into a kaupapa Māori service
Publication Date:
23 September 2021
Allan Drew
Addiction, Mental Health -
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We talked with Toni Tinirau, previously clinical operations manager, He Waka Tapu, to hear her insights about what it takes to introduce Let’s get real through leadership into a kaupapa Māori service
“We came across Let’s get real around 2018. As the addiction team began to grow, we had a need for more structure [in how we approached workforce development] and alignment that was simple. When I first saw Let’s get real I thought – that’s too simple; that can’t be true. However, with time we were able to pick up important skills from Let’s get real that we could look at directly. These were Working with Māori, Working with whānau and Working within communities. These modules were tangible. We could even have a conversation based on real examples which is the first thing I did with the team leader and the manager of the addiction service at that time.”
Bringing Let’s get real into human resources and onboarding
“The governance board and the senior management team really warmed to it [Let’s get real] and were excited about where we might be able to use it in He Waka Tapu. When it came to bringing Let’s get real into human resources and the onboarding process it was like wow . . . now we are keen; now we are sitting up straight. This was because it was not just about how kaimahi work directly with community and whānau, hapū and iwi. It was about how it applied to us in management roles, how it sits and lines up with our values, key performance indicators and our strategic plan that sets our direction for the next four years.”
What did you learn about what was needed to start using Let’s get real in He Waka Tapu?
“One of the first things we knew we had to do was implement Let’s get real within the management team, our plans and how we lead the organisation – we start at the top. So we have sought to marry and align Let’s get real to our strategic plan to enable us to get a good feel for it before rolling it out to our team leaders and kaimahi. We have also been clear about our intent to use Let’s get real when writing requests for proposals (RFPs) and have signaled to Canterbury DHB that we are going to use Let’s get real in our mahi for both allied health workers and clinicians here in addiction services.”
How do you believe using Let’s get real will help you meet the needs of the people you serve?
“Let’s get real brings structure that gives clarity to the mahi being done. I think it reinforces safety, intent and outcome – I see it’s all valuable together. I see it as a tool, not just for management but also for the frontline kaimahi to be able to assess themselves and see where they are at, and what other modules they would like to be more competent in. Let’s get real gives responsibility back to the kaimahi. They can do it themselves; they can even research their own training. I believe it is an opportunity for kaimahi to really take hold of their own professional development. It would be about them as opposed to a manager.”
- Thanks Toni