Pam Armstrong, Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi
Publication Date:
28 May 2024
Allan Drew
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By Suzy Morrison
Pam Armstrong was known to many of us as a highly respected addiction practitioner and leader who believed in working for the greater good of others. Pam was a gifted orator and when she spoke, we listened.
“100 Māori Leaders”, who acknowledge Māori influencing and changing our health system, describes Pam as “a tribal leader who was an avid advocate for improving Māori health and eliminating inequities. Pam was committed to restoring and preserving culture by telling stories. The story telling approach is traditional and has a place which embraces Māori knowledge for future generations.”
Pam had many connections with Te Pou throughout her career, particularly with the Therapeutic Communities (TC) training. Pam has led this training since its inception in 2017. We were blessed to have her with us at our last training in March in Tāmaki Makaurau. Despite being unwell, Pam was determined to be with us and solidly grounded the training in the values of tikanga Māori. What a gift she gave us.
Pam’s strengths-based world view, grounded in Māori values that were so dear to her, was an inspiration to us all. She will be remembered for her warmth and humour, her mahi, her love of whānau and her strong faith. Our thoughts are with Pam’s whānau in this time of sadness and loss, and acknowledge them for sharing their beloved Pam with the Aotearoa addiction community.
Rest in peace and love Pam.