Working with Māori: an E-learning tool
Publication Date:
08 May 2020
Te Pou
Mental Health, Disability, Addiction, Lived Experience -
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Our very popular Working with Māori e-learning has been updated to reflect the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills of the essential level of the refreshed Let's get real Real Skill Working with Māori. The new module is also more easily navigated, accessible and compatible with a wide range of devices and browsers.
Increasing the cultural competency of our health workforce is an important part of ensuring that health workers are competent practitioners when working with tāngata whai ora and whānau, in their various roles.
Having a basic understanding of Māori values, protocols and practices will allow practitioners to think how they might communicate and engage effectively, approach situations in a manner that is meaningful and relevant to tāngata whai ora and whānau. Given the disparity for Māori in mental health and addictions areas, support to develop tools to assist practitioners in this sector is very much needed.
Working with Māori is an interactive, e-learning cultural competency tool developed primarily for the mental health and addictions sector. This e-learning is a development of the ‘Working with Māori’ online modules originally developed by Te Pou and Matua Raki, which laid a solid foundation for building this e-learning tool. The modules are underpinned by the poutama tukutuku pattern, indicating a stepped progression of learning as depicted in the pattern itself.
Our Working with Māori Real Skill in the Let’s get real framework provides a great deal more information.
You can undertake the Working with Māori e-learning here.