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5-Step Method in Addiction Services Training

Applications for the 5-Step Method Practitioner training programme are now open. To register please email Jason Jones.

The 5-Step Method is an evidence-based and trauma-informed approach that supports whānau of people with substance misuse and problematic gambling to respond and cope more effectively.

Aim of the 5-Steps

Step 1 – Getting to Know the Family and Whānau Member and the Problem
Step 2 – Providing Relevant Information
Step 3 – Exploring How the Family and Whānau Member Responds/Copes
Step 4 – Exploring and Enhancing Social Support
Step 5 – Tying it all Together and Referring on for Further Help

Additional information on the 5-Step Method can be found on the Te Pou website.

International as well as emerging evidence from Aotearoa New Zealand suggests it is effective in reducing the burden on whānau. A summary of the NZ research has been produced as an infographic

Steve Staunton, DAPAANZ Accredited Practitioner/Supervisor, SWRB Registered Social worker, Accredited 5-Step Method Practitioner/Trainer/Assessor.


Dates and times

Session one: May 24, 2024. 8.30-4.30pm
Session two: May 31, 2024. 8.30-4.30pm

The 5-Step Method training attracts dapaanz CPD points.

This training and accreditation process is fully funded by Te Pou, so no cost to you or your organisation, however, there are requirements to participation in the training.


To be accepted onto this fully funded training, participants are expected to commit the whole training and accreditation process, upon completion of this process you will be recognised as an Accredited 5-Step Method Practitioner.

To become an accredited practitioner, participants must complete the following:

-Attend the 2-day practitioner training.
-Undergo the accreditation process:

-Practice the 5-Step Method with whanau of tangata whai ora.
-Record and submit for assessment by an accredited assessor examples of each of the 5-Steps.
-Provide with each submission a written or verbal self-assessment of your 5-Step practice.
-Ensure whānau consent is received for recording of 5-Step Method sessions for accreditation.
-Ensure Step 1 is submitted within 6 weeks of the practitioner training.
-Ensure all five steps are be submitted within 4 months of the training.
-Record data from 5-Step Method interventions and provide pre-post and follow up evaluation data.

If you have any questions or would like to apply for the 5-Step Method training, please contact Jason Jones.
