Addiction Consumer Leadership Group
The role of the group
The key roles of the group are to:
- support Te Pou to respond to consumers/tāngata whai ora, and their whānau, to reduce addiction related harms
- provide strategic direction and support to the Te Pou peer project lead (addiction) to achieve the goals of the addiction consumer and peer workforce.
The group are all people with lived experience of addiction and recovery, who are working in designated consumer or peer roles in Aotearoa New Zealand. We meet in person three times a year before each addiction leadership day and bring our unique experiences of different adventures, adversities, treatment experiences and recovery pathways.
Our current members

What we do
The consumer leadership group:
- provides advice and consultation
- promotes meaningful consumer involvement
- supports services to improve consumer engagement
- provides advocacy support for people to get their needs met
- audits AOD and OST services in Aotearoa New Zealand
- educates addiction and other allied workforces, post-graduate and undergraduate advisory committees
- evaluates consumer experience and satisfaction
- develops and reviews information
- participates in local, regional and national planninggets involved in research reference/advisory groups, research design and practice
- provides supervision to people in designated consumer and peer roles
We utilise our individual expertise relating to the addiction sector, consumer experience and knowledge, and connect with our wider networks to strengthen the consumer and peer workforce of the addiction sector in Aotearoa New Zealand.