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Co-existing problems

Integrated care for co-existing mental health and addiction issues

Te Pou supports the development of person-centred, wellbeing oriented integrated care for co-existing mental health and addiction issues (CEP). The aim of integrated care is to ensure that ‘any door is the right door' for tāngata whai ora with co-existing mental health and addiction issues wherever they make contact with a service.

Co-existing problems training

A range of specific resources and material are available to support the process of raising awareness and skills to work with co-existing issues, such as e-learning modules and online assessment tool - Real Skills.

Te Whare o Tiki: the Co-Existing Problems (CEP) knowledge and skills framework

Te Whare o Tiki: the Co-Existing Problems (CEP) knowledge and skills framework describes the knowledge and skills required by the mental health and addiction workforce to effectively respond to the needs of people, and their whānau, with co-existing problems.

It was developed to align with the seven key principles of Te Ariari o te Oranga (Cultural Considerations, Wellbeing, Engagement, Motivation, Assessment, Management, and Integrated Care) and is underpinned by the values and attitudes outlined in Let's get real.

Each key principle encompasses a set of knowledge and skills with performance indicators at three levels of practice: Foundation, Capable, and Enhanced.

Guiding documents for co-existing problems

There are two guiding documents for the development of CEP responsive mental health and addiction services in New Zealand.


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