Achieving HoNOS collection compliance
Outcome collection rates are important to improve the quality of data collected.
The Ministry of Health set collection targets for all services that collect HoNOS.
Ministry of Health collection rate targets
Collection targets have been set for inpatient and community services. It recognises current collection levels and capacity of inpatient and community settings to collect outcomes information. The targets are:
- inpatient, admission inpatient and discharge inpatient - 80 per cent
- community - 80 per cent
Supporting DHBs to achieve HoNOS compliance
There are six key ways Te Pou works to assist DHBs to achieve HoNOS compliance. This assistance includes, but is not limited to:
targeted training for DHB managers and clinicians on the collection and use of outcomes information.
access to user-friendly reports using the DHBs' own data.
explanatory information on the reports so DHB staff can interpret tables and graphs.
assistance with system processes so DHBs can ensure their collections are compliant with the ICP.
advice and support to DHBs as required to eliminate outcomes data anomalies.
support networks and linkages.
Improving compliance
Outcome compliance: how to make yours better was written in conjunction with the Ministry of Health. It discusses the factors that influence compliance and summarises the data conditions used to include or exclude episodes from compliance reporting. These data conditions will aid users to better understand their outcomes compliance and can be used as a checklist against local data.