Opioid substitution treatment
Opioid substitution treatment
Opioid use disorders require treatment and care much like any other chronic (long-term) health problem. Opioid substitution treatment (OST) is an evidence-based option for people using opioids problematically.
Te Pou aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of primary and secondary care providers involved in OST provision and support the understanding of OST treatment for people accessing OST and their whānau.
Training programme for the OST workforce
The purpose of this learning programme is to promote a national standard for effective and responsive opioid substitution treatment service delivery and to enhance the skills and attitudes of the workforces involved in OST provision (i.e. in the specialist service, the prison setting, the primary health care/general practice setting and community pharmacy).
This e-learning module, Training Programme for the Opioid Substitution Treatment Workforce, was developed by the National Association of Opioid Treatment Providers (NAOTP) and is designed to be used in conjunction with the New Zealand Practice Guidelines for Opioid Substitution Treatment (Ministry of Health 2014a) and seminars delivered by NAOTP.
The e-learning modules are now hosted on Moodle at www.learn.tepou.co.nz. On your first visit to the site, you will need to create an account using your email and a unique password.
If you previously accessed e-learning modules on learn.org.nz, your account information and record of learning have been transferred to Moodle. You will be prompted to set up a new password when you first log in using the same username (that you used on learn.org.nz). If you have any problems accessing your account, please email training@tepou.co.nz
National Association of Opioid Treatment Providers (NAOTP)
This group is the representative body of primary and secondary care providers involved in opioid substitution treatment.
Commonly known as NAOTP, the group’s purpose is to
- promote evidence-based and ethical best practice for the treatment of people with opioid and co-existing substance use disorders
- provide advice and expertise to the Ministry of Health, District Health Boards and other relevant organisations
- advocate for appropriate access to treatment and high-quality service delivery for people with opioid and co-existing substance use disorders.
NAOTP is an incorporated society.
Office holders
The office holders are:
- Co-Chairs: Kellie Huxford and Emma Schwarcz
- Treasurer: Nikki Anderson
- Secretary: Natasha Barber
Contact Carina Walters with any inquiries about NAOTP.