Sharing Te Pou e-learning content with Bay of Plenty DHB - Pilot evaulation report
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Publication Date:
21 July 2022
Mental Health, Addiction -
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PDF, 540 kb -
Bay of Plenty (BoP) District Health Board (DHB) and Te Pou partnered to move some of these trainings onto the Te Whāriki ā Toi, the DHB’s Learning Management System (LMS) so BoP DHB staff could access them from their own Moodle platform. The goal was to improve access of the BoP DHB workforce to Te Pou e-learning materials, as well as improve the Te Pou periodic HoNOS completion data reporting and other e-learning training. This was implemented as a pilot since Bay of Plenty as the first DHB to have these trainings available on their platform.
Te Pou evaluated the implementation of this pilot study exploring the process of sharing e-learning between Te Pou and the BoP DHB. The evaluation also sought to inform decisions about sharing Te Pou e-learnings with other DHBs. To date, the following e-learning materials have been shared with the BoP DHB:
- ADOM refresher
- HoNOS revalidation (refresher)
- HoNOS introduction
- Let’s get real
- Working with Māori
- Trauma informed care
- Working with whānau