Let's get real wins TheMHS award
Publication Date:
28 August 2019
Te Pou
Mental Health, Addiction -
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Let’s get real, a proven initiative that helps mental health and addiction staff to deliver better services has won an Australasian award.
Produced and delivered by Te Pou, Let’s get real provides a framework of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for working with people and whānau with mental health and addiction needs. Importantly, it is values based.
It has won the ‘Program or Service: Education, Training or Workforce Development’ award at The Mental Health Service (TheMHS) Awards in Brisbane.
“This award is further recognition of how well Let’s get real helps mental health and addiction services to ensure their staff have the right knowledge, skills, values and attitudes,” says Te Pou National Manager - Practice, Emma Wood, who was presented the award by Australia’s Federal Minister of Health, Honourable Greg Hunt.
“It’s vital that people are supported effectively and more holistically and that’s where the Let’s get real framework really makes a positive difference.”
The Program or Service: Education, Training or Workforce Development award for Let’s get real was presented during the TheMHS annual conference. The awards have been presented annually since 1992 and recognise best practice, excellence and innovation in mental health services across Australia and New Zealand.
The Mental Health Services Learning Network aims to promote positive attitudes about mental health and mental illness, and to stimulate debate that challenges the boundaries of knowledge and ideas about mental health care.