Te Roopu Taurima MAPA training
Publication Date:
15 March 2021
Sarah Fitzpatrick
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The biggest mover and shaker in the last five years!
In 2019, Te Roopu Taurima organised Management of Actual or Potential Aggression (MAPA) training for 85 of its staff with the help of funding from Te Pou.
Te Roopu Taurima is a kaupapa Māori service that supports people of all ethnicities with intellectual impairments around New Zealand. They provide residential and vocational support to clients, known as tangata, as well as respite care, caregiver support, high and complex needs support, and choices in community living.
MAPA is a training programme aimed at helping staff working with tangata to reduce the use of restraint and seclusion. Trainees learn about recognising behaviours and triggers in each individual in their care before matters escalate. They also explore their own reactions to events in order to react calmly and positively in challenging situations.
Trying to get the staff to understand their own feelings and behaviours – their own attitudes and fears. Tāngata and kids pick up on moods. (Trainer)
MAPA training also teaches practical skills like the use of body language, proximity, supportive stance as well as pain-free holds and releases.
At a low level [of escalation], we can talk tangata down. Each tangata has individual best practice support. (Trainee)
We don’t focus on holds because we don’t want to get to that level. You need lots of practice to do holds safely without hurting people. (Trainer)
Trainees noticed significant changes in the tāngata whaiora they care for.
[There has been] a huge change for tāngata. They are more relaxed. They know they have a voice. (Trainer)
In spite of some initial apprehension, trainees used MAPA training to great effect.
A lot of us from the old school thought we’d be unsafe [using MAPA training], but when you look in the houses, you see big change. (Trainee)
The changes in staff attitudes and practice have been significant.
There’s been a large attitude shift with staff. (National Services Manager)
A lot of reflection when engaging with tāngata, then debriefing after crisis situations. (Trainee)
Trainees found their work was more fulfilling once they used MAPA training.
Our jobs became more pleasurable. Before, we were trained to be like prison officers. There’s a better understanding of our tāngata health. (Trainee)
I wish I had MAPA [training] when I was a kaimahi (worker). We used a lot of restraints and I used to walk away and wonder if this was it. (Trainer)
Positive change was apparent at an organisation-wide level.
MAPA has been the biggest mover and shaker in the last five years! … [It] is part of our core training for all kaimahi. … this has given us somewhere to hang our hat around competencies. … The stats around restraint have declined quite significantly. (National Services Manager)