Workforce planning and development
Te whakangungu me te whakawhanake
*NEW* The Workforce planning and development guide and plan template are now available online.
Ensuring the workforce is best able to deliver future services.
Workforce planning and development are vital to ensuring the workforce is best able to deliver future services.
Workforce planning is the systematic identification, analysis and planning of future workforce needs, based on future population needs and health strategy and policy.
Workforce development is the set of activities that ensure the workforce is best able to deliver future services. These activities are most effective when underpinned by robust workforce planning processes, informed by health strategy and policy.
Getting it right framework
Te Pou has developed the Getting it right workforce planning and development framework specifically to support DHB and NGO services to undertake and get the most out of their workforce planning activities. The framework describes how health policy, strategy, and population health needs are translated into a workforce that is best able to meet future service needs.
As part of the Getting it right framework, a series of resources are available to support organisations to undertake future-focused, people-centred workforce planning and development activities. These resources will support services to make effective workforce decisions so they are well placed to deliver on health strategy and policy intentions or directions.
These resources provide useful information for people who are new to workforce planning and development, and also meet the needs of more experienced people by providing better practice tips and ideas. The information provided is applicable across multiple levels, including individual services, organisations, groups and networks within DHB-locality, regionally and nationally.
Getting it right resources
- Getting it right - A workforce planning approach overview
This A3 resource provides an overview of the Getting it right workforce planning approach. - Getting it right - Workforce planning guide: Getting the right people and skills in the future workforce
A seven-step guide that brings together a range of information and evidence to envisage and predict future service delivery patterns and their workforce requirements. The guide supports organisations to determine the gaps between the future workforce needed and their current position, and to develop a workforce action plan to address those gaps. - Getting it right - Informing your planning: Using data sources and metrics for workforce planning
A guide to using data sources and metrics in workforce planning - Getting it right - Developing your workforce: An overview of a systems approach to workforce development
Presents advice, tools and resources to support effective workforce development activities across the five domains of workforce development. - Getting it right - Training your workforce: Getting the most out of training and development
Describes how to ensure that training is the right thing to do, and activities are effective and sustainable. - Getting it right - Templates
MS Word templates for workforce planning. These are a supplement to the planning guide.
Over time, more resources will be added to the collection.
Additional resources
In addition to the Getting it right resources, Te Pou regularly reports data and information that is useful for workforce planning purposes. This includes workforce and other data reports that describe the size, composition, and profile of the mental health and addiction workforce by DHB locality, regionally, nationally and by DHB-size groups.
There are also a number of other data reports which can be useful for workforce planning.