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Workforce and other data reports

Using data and information about the workforce, people accessing services, and the population supports effective workforce planning

Te Pou regularly reports data and information that is useful for workforce planning purposes. Te Pou may collect this information, eg More than numbers workforce data, or it may be collected from other sources and reported by Te Pou.

Other information that's useful for workforce planning includes:

Getting it right - informing your planning is another useful resource. The guide was developed by Te Pou to support organisations to identify and use data sources and metrics to inform their workforce planning activities.

Te Whatu Ora mental health and addiction employees profile reports

Te Pou produces annual reports about the Te Whatu Ora mental health and addiction employee profile, based on information provided by the Health Workforce Information Programme. From 2021, these reports are replaced by a factsheet and infographics. The reporting methods are summarised here.

Reports available for year ended:

Te Pou is very pleased to continue working with the HWIP team to produce these reports.

Annual DHB population profile reports

Te Pou is no longer producing an annual DHB population profile report as the information is now available directly from the Ministry of Health at For those wishing to refer to the specific information we published, the following reports are still available on our website for the following years:

Key Contact

Joanne Richdale


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