DHB mental health and addiction employees: 2019 profile
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Publication Date:
14 February 2020
Addiction, Mental Health, Lived Experience -
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PDF, 1 mb -
Te Pou has produced the fourth report in the annual series of DHB mental health and addiction employee profile reports. This report summarises the socio-demographic and service profile of 8,242 DHB employees working in 7,416 FTE positions as at 30 June 2019.
The report presents evidence that ageing is impacting the DHB workforce profile and has implications for workforce skills, diversity and wellbeing.
Te Pou is very pleased to continue working with the HWIP team to produce these reports. Thanks to the hard work of DHBs around the country, we now have enough information available to begin looking at trends over time. We will be exploring the best ways to report those trends to you in future publications.
For more information contact Joanne Richdale.