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Let's get real leadership tool

Using Let's get real to lead self, others and services in the health sector

The core

Values are at the core of leadership and interaction in the Let's get real approach.

Collective leadership

A model of collective leadership proposed by Spinner et al has been adapted for Let's get real. The model describes a system of leadership that "rather than being a new and emerging paradigm, has been a way of life for millennia." The model sees leadership through the tenets of mana.

Reference: Spiller, C., Maunganui Wolfgramm, R., Henry, E., & Pouwhare, R. (2020). Paradigm warriors: Advancing a radical ecosystems view of collective leadership from an Indigenous Māori perspective. Human Relations, 73(4), 516–543.

The tenets

Bring these two together

With the Let's get real values and the model of collective leadership in mind, this is the model so far.

Self, others and service leadership

To this model we bring in the concept that leadership includes the elements of leading self, leading others and leading services.

The Let's get real leadership tool

By bringing together the Let's get real values, the model of collective leadership and the concepts of leading self, others and service, we generate the Let's get real leadership tool.

Using the Let's get real leadership tool

The Let's get real leadership tool allows you to align the elements of the tool to find support for any issues you are facing with leadership.

An example

A key issue facing leaders in the health sector is how to recruit and retain effective team members.

You may have identified that you want to improve on your and your organisation's ability to inspire reflection and intentional learning so your team members keep growing to meet the needs of the people they serve. In other words, you want to help your people grow so they remain engaged and motivated.

Appropriate elements to align are "Leading others" and "Ways of doing."

Alignment of these elements will lead you to the Let's get real People tool. Watch the video below as a representation of how the tool will align and work in practice.

Visit the Let's get real People tool

In this scenario, the tool would recommend the guidance and resources available with the Let's get real People tool. Visit the People tool now and see how it would help you grow your team.