Tom's journey comic
The comic takes you along Tom’s journey seeking wellbeing through a sensory lens.
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The comic takes you along Tom’s journey seeking wellbeing through a sensory lens.
He pārongo mā ngā tāngata e aromatawaitia, e maimoatia hoki i raro i te Mental Health Act.
He pārongo mā te whānau o te tāngata e aromatawaitia ana, maimoatia ana hoki i raro i te Mental Health Act.
The consumer, peer support and lived experience (CPSLE) workforce includes all people who work in a job where it is a requirement to have lived experience of mental health challenges and/or addiction.
What is addiction? (in traditional Chinese)
請查看我們的最新資訊'什麼是成癮'? 也可以請求郵寄資訊小冊
What is addiction? (in simplified Chinese)
请查看我们的最新资讯'什么是成瘾' ?也可以请求邮寄资讯小册
成癮問題的治療方法 該資料簡要介紹了如何在社區中為酗酒,吸毒和賭博(成癮)問題的人提供支持。壹些方法對壹系列成癮問題有幫助,而另壹些方法則是針對特定的成癮精神依賴性藥物或行為制定的。解決成癮問題的主要方法是談話療法,藥物治療和公共衛生方法。首先由專業醫師做出評估,再和尋求幫助的人壹起探討最有效和可行的治療方案,因為每個人的治療方案是因人而異的。 This resource gives a brief introduction to the ways people who have alcohol, drug and gambling (addiction) issues can be supported in the community.
成瘾问题的治疗方法 该资料简要介绍了如何在社区中为酗酒,吸毒和赌博(成瘾)问题的人提供 支持。一些方法对一系列成瘾问题有帮助,而另一些方法则是针对特定的成 瘾精神依赖性药物或行为制定的。解决成瘾问题的主要方法是谈话疗法,药 物治疗和公共卫生方法。首先由专业医师做出评估,再和寻求帮助的人一 起探讨最有效和可行的治疗方案,因为每个人的治疗方案是因人而异的。 This resource gives a brief introduction to the ways people who have alcohol, drug and gambling (addiction) issues can be supported in the community.
常見精神依賴性藥物及賭博 本資訊是對賭博和常見精神依賴性藥物, 及它們帶來的危害和有害行為的預警信號的一個簡單介紹。 人們有時會通過飲酒、用藥或其他一些行為,諸如:賭博,購物,暴飲暴食,性行 為, 鍛煉,互聯網和電子娛樂等來使自己感覺良好。事實上, 過度放縱任何讓人感覺良好的行為,都有可能使生活失去平衡,從而產生問題。
This resource gives a brief introduction to gambling, alcohol and some commonly used drugs and their associated risks and warning signs of harmful behaviour.
常见精神依赖性药物及赌博 本资讯是对赌博和常见精神依赖性药物, 及它们带来的危害和有害行为的预警信号的一个简单介绍。
This resource gives a brief introduction to gambling, alcohol and some commonly used drugs and their associated risks and warning signs of harmful behaviour.
A guide for people trying to reduce or stop using methamphetamine
A guide for parents or carers talking with their children about challenging times including mental health and addiction issues.
An outline of the Let's get real framework with tips for getting started using Let's get real in your organisation.
Te Reo Hāpai is a Māori language glossary providing over 200 interpretations for the unique terminology used by the mental health, addiction and disability sectors.
A guide to providing clinical guidance for the specialist addiction sector and medical and nursing practitioners providing support for people who are planning or may be undergoing substance withdrawal.
This plastic drinking cup is a useful tool to show people what a standard drink actually is.
Use this poster to promote "Tātou tātou: being with people and whānau" within your service.
A collection of stories from people brave enough to share their experience of opioid substitution treatment (OST)
This guide is set up to assist health sector workers to navigate the Real Skill: Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction needs.
Information for people being assessed and treated under the Mental Health Act.
We are family: stories of family and whānau affected by someone else's use of alcohol or other drugs.
A guide to promote the use of standardised and consistent high quality screening and comprehensive assessment processes in mental health and addiction services.
Download the six Let's get real values posters.
This booklet contains a collection of personal stories from real people and their different journeys to recovery from addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
This resource explores values informed and values-based approaches that align with Let’s get real.
Te Pou has a wide range of evidence-based resources and tools to help the mental health, addiction and disability workforces.
Learn MoreTe Pou works alongside mental health and addiction services, and disability organisations to understand their priorities and workforce challenges.
Learn More