Using data to improve outcomes
Local, national and international initiatives to support the use of data and information to improve outcomes.
Using information well enables better quality service planning and decision making by mental health and addiction service providers at local, regional and national levels.
Te Pou helps shape the way information is collected, presented and used both nationally and internationally and has partnered with a range of individuals and organisations to support data, information and outcomes use.
Making a difference with data
The four booklets in the Making a difference with data series can be used to build your knowledge and skills around data and information.
Designed for novice users of data and information, this series may be useful to train people new to the collection and use of data and information. The aim is to embed a basic knowledge, then hone an understanding of how and why data and the information it provides, is of use in everyday practice and at an organisational level. The four booklets allow learning to be ‘chunked’ into manageable pieces.
The booklets are:
- Data and information: The basics
- Data and information use – ethnicity
- Collecting data and using information well
- Using data and information at different levels
The following animated video explains some of the history of outcome measurement in mental health, addictions and wellbeing, and why it's important.
Taking our information work to the world
Local, national and international initiatives to support the use of data and improve outcomes.
While Te Pou’s information work includes data and figures, it’s more than numbers. It’s about real people, real lives and real recovery. Te Pou supports services to collect information and use it effectively and this support extends internationally to peers and organisations. Together we are building a better world for people all around the world.
- USA international indicator work with Professor Pincus: Columbia University, New York. This work aims to develop a set of international indicators and involves all participating countries in the IIMHL (link). Te Pou and the New Zealand Ministry of Health are the key New Zealand contacts, contributing by assisting with indicator definitions and collecting data for the indicators.
- National Health Service benchmarking work: London, United Kingdom. This work is being led by the NHS benchmarking group in the UK and involves the IIMHL participating countries plus Norway.
- International HoNOS review: London/Newcastle, United Kingdom. The Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK is reviewing the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales. The UK, Australia and New Zealand are participating in this work as the three countries that have mandated HoNOS collection at a national level. Te Pou is the New Zealand representative.
- Australian mental health outcomes and classification network (AMHOCN): Sydney, Australia. Te Pou and New Zealand have benefited from close working relationships with AMHOCN over the years. We actively participate in their national information meetings and jointly host a biannual Australasian outcomes and information conference.
New Zealand actively assists other countries with outcomes work. Te Pou contributes because we believe it is part of being a good international citizen. Sharing our work with a wider international audience will help information and outcomes give insights into peoples’ recoveries and how well providers are doing at delivering services.
Other outcome measures
Not all outcome measures are collected in PRIMHD. There are other outcome measures used within the mental health, addiction and disability sectors. Those we are aware are shown below.
As we are informed of other outcome measures being used in New Zealand, we will add them here. We are not advocating the use of any particular measure, other than those mandated measures (ADOM and HoNOS), but simply highlighting their use as we are made aware. Appropriate utility and validity of each measure is the responsibility of the implementing organisation.
Guide to PRIMHD Supplementary Consumer Record collection and use
- Guide to PRIMHD SCR collection and use v1.4 October 2019
- Social outcome indicator explanatory resources
Tāku Reo, Tāku Mauri Ora tool
Information use training
Te Pou provides training on using PRIMHD data, KPIs and outcome measurement.
The training can be tailored for DHB clinicians and managers, NGOs, service users and family advisors. The training is tailored to the needs of the audience, and uses relevant PRIMHD information.
The training incorporates the information levels in the data use guidelines, and shows how information can be used at DHB, team and clinician-service user levels. Training focuses on how different information can have meaning at the clinical or service level. It also includes a whānau wellbeing component and information on engaging with Māori.
To receive training, email
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