Working with whānau
Health and wellbeing goals
Workers with this set of skills will ensure that whānau receive support to achieve their health and wellbeing goals.
Essential level resources
The Working with whānau e-learning modules assist for everyone working in health, regardless of role, profession or organisation, to increase their understanding of working effectively with whānau to improve health outcomes. This e-learning reflects the values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of the essential level of the refreshed Let’s get real Real Skill Working with whānau. These skills are essential for all people working in New Zealand health services.

The Let’s get real team works with people in our sector to bring lived experience and practice perspectives to our work. The team has captured some of these insights in the following videos about working with whānau.
Jason Haitana, Consumer Advisor, Northland DHB
Andrew Raven, Psychologist, Hawke's Bay DHB
Karen Liley
Rhonda Robertson, Peer Project Lead, Te Pou
Working with Whānau 4 from Wise Group on Vimeo.
Enhanced level resources
These resources are for everyone working in mental health and addiction roles.
Andrew Raven, Psychologist, Hawke's Bay DHB
Working with Whānau 2 from Wise Group on Vimeo.
Leadership level resources
Resources for everyone who is leading, guiding, educating and resourcing the work of others in health.
Key Contacts

Te Pou has a wide range of evidence-based resources and tools to help the mental health, addiction and disability workforces.
Learn MoreOur work
Te Pou works alongside mental health and addiction services, and disability organisations to understand their priorities and workforce challenges.
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