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Challenging discrimination

Strong advocacy for eliminating discrimination

Workers with this set of skills will ensure that people working in health are strong advocates for the elimination of discrimination relating to mental health and addiction.

Essential level resources

Resources for everyone working in health, regardless of role, profession or organisation.

Enhanced level resources

For everyone working in mental health and addiction roles

  • Mental Health Annual Reports presents data highlighting current challenges and disparities in mental health and addiction.
  • Equally Well is a collaborative of people and organisations with the common goal of achieving physical health equity for people who experience mental health and addiction issues. The webpage provides information, resources and tools to help reduce discrimination and poorer health outcomes for people who experience mental health and addiction issues.
  • Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service provides free and independent advocacy services to support complaint resolution.
  • Employment Support & Addiction: What Works is learning resource from the Centre of Mental Health (UK) and Wise Group (NZ). It highlights issues around access to employment, the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) approach to supporting employment, and examples from the UK and NZ.
  • Housing First initiatives across the country provide immediate access to housing for people who may be experiencing mental health and addiction issues, without needing to meet certain conditions.
  • Reducing seclusion and restraint: Working with Māori section on the Te Pou website describes strategies to reduce the use of seclusion and restraint with Māori.

Leadership level resources

For everyone who is leading, guiding, educating and resourcing the work of others in health

(Please see the Working with Communities section for additional resources about social and community inclusion.)

Key Contacts


Related Initiatives